
Thursday, September 10, 2015

meet david owen spillers...

here i am at 37 weeks pregnant...  at this point i have only gained 30 pounds which is awesome considering i gained twice that with daniel.  and in the last 2 weeks i have started to have that lovely puffy face look from water retention.  people are always surprised when i say i'm almost done cause they think i look really small to be 9 months pregnant... i feel huge but i must carry the baby far back or something.

at my dr's appointment this week (37 weeks) right when he put the doppler on my belly to check baby's heart beat it dropped really low... like to 80 bpm normally it is at least 120 bpm. i was having a big contraction when it happened so he got a little concerned since it stayed low for a little while.  he put me on the monitor for about 2 hours but it never happened again.  the baby's heart rate stayed normal for every other contraction.  that night I could hardly sleep.  worried as i was having some really big contractions.  nothing regular for me to think i was in labor. but they were pretty bad.  the next day my sister and i went to lunch to macayos (mexican resturant) with some friends and after we stopped at her house so i could borrow a doppler she had that someone gave her.  i laid on the couch during contractions and would put the doppler on my belly.  sure enough once or twice his heart beat would drop really low.  i started to get nervous when it happened more than once.  when chris got home i told him i thought it was time to go to the hospital cause something just didnt feel right.  

we got to the hospital and they found a bed for me to lay on while they watched the monitors... the maternity ward was packed... kinds like there was no room at the inn.. haha.  they had to call in nurses that weren't even on call to come in and help.  after being on the monitor there for about 2 hours sure enough the baby's heart beat dropped twice.. and once really low like 75 bpm and stayed there for 5 min.  at that point a bunch of nurses rushed in and started getting me ready as we were having that baby tonight and my doctor was on his way in.  it was a little scary and exciting.  scary thinking something could be wrong with the baby or hurting him and exciting to no longer be pregnant and get to meet the little guy.  

they gave chris his gown and started stripping me down... man being in a hospital there is no room for modesty and shyness.. luckily i'm not really a shy modest person but it still seemed funny to me to have all these people standing around while nurses and chris tried to help... naked!!!! haha emily was there with us since my mom was home watching daniel.  she took these hilarious pics for us.

i was also nervous to get the spinal block.  when i had daniel it took the anesthesiologist 6 tries... he stuck me 6 times trying... so i told the guy this time that had happened and he got it done the first try no problem.  thank goodness!!!! the only funny thing was the nurse who was helping me and holding my head on her shoulder while the dr worked smelled like cigarettes and perfume... haha my pregnant nose was loving that.... otherwise she was a very nice nurse.  

once they got everything set up they let chris come in... (he had been previously just standing in the hallway with the doors open so he knew everything going on before) and everyone got to work.  chris stood and watched the whole surgery... gross! but he loved it.  i could actually see a lot of what they were doing in the light above my head, but decided not to really look until the baby was coming out.  its so fast from the first cut to the baby coming out.... like 5 min.  really fast.  and it was so fun seeing him come out... he started crying... or squealing like a little pig.  so sweet and funny.  i got choked up.  then they bring him around the curtain all gross so i can see him. 

then they take him over and clean him up and weigh him.  5 pounds 13 oz  19 or 20 inches (i can't really remember)

then they brought him back over to me right next to my face so i could get a good look and give him some kisses.  i got to see him for a while as they were still waiting for someone from nursery to come over with a bed and get him.  it was so sweet... he was soooo tiny! i guess its now fact that chris and i make tiny babies.. 

then the boring part starts for me where they stitch me up for like 30 min or so.  it seems like forever.  the weirdest part is not being able to move from the lower chest down.  they pick you up with a sheet and slide you to the next bed... they also didn't have a room ready yet so they took me back to the area where they had monitored me for my recovery.  

meanwhile chris went off with the baby and watched as they gave him shots and bathed him.  my OB said he couldn't see why his heartbeat was dropping... normally its a sign that there's a pinch or knot in the umbilical cord or something wrong with the placenta but mine all looked good.  he was baffled why it was happening.  but he was really glad that i came in... really glad.  yay for crazy mom instincts that tell us something is wrong ( or also probably the holy ghost whispering to me that somethings not right). 

this picture does not do justice to how purple his hands and feet were... like bright purple. (its normal)

by midnight that night we were finally in a room... all 3 of us. 

i was so hot in the room... we had it as cold as it would go but from the meds and anesthesiology and hormones i was just sweating to death.  chris of course was freezing... haha  he was still able to easily sleep but it was really cold.   i was also crazy itchy from the spinal block... like crazy itchy!!!! first it was my head and face. pretty soon by the next day it had gone all the way down my body.  all i wanted to do was scratch constantly.. 

little old man face... 

proud daddy.... 

the hospital gave us this cute shirt for daniel... 

we had finally decided to officially name him David Owen Spillers.  David after Chris' dad and Owen after my dad.  

daniel was so funny meeting him for the first time.  he kept calling him baby david... but once my mom opened up the blanket and he saw the umbilical cord he was freaked out... he did not like that thing on the belly button.... 

 my face also got huge the next day from all the IV they pumped into me... like seriuosly huge.  we were laughing so hard at my giant face.  i'm a little sad now that we didnt' take a photo when it was at its worst.

emily and amanda also came by to meet baby daivd.  emily loved his long skinny legs that he kept kicking straight out into the air.  amanda was so cute holding him.  

we definitely love this little guy.  my recovery was also pretty amazing.  and i was determined to get out of the hospital as fast as i could.  i never sleep well there.  my doctor gave us the ok to go home so we were on our way out before it was even 48 hours post birth.  go me!!

the hospital also does this fun special dinner for you and your spouse before you leave the hospital.. they come and set it all up cute and fancy.  they gave us this little cake, sparkling cider, steak dinner, cheese cake for dessert and a rose.  it was pretty good and fun little treat for us before we headed home.  

then we loaded up our tiny little man into his carseat... super tiny!!! it was really nice to pick up daniel from my mom and head home to start family life as a family of four.  

excited to have our baby david home with us.  can't believe his due date wasnt for 3 more weeks... and his surgery was scheduled for 2 weeks away.  

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