
Monday, September 21, 2015

life with a new baby...

those first couple weeks at home are such a blur...  feeding a baby every 3 hours and trying to sleep in between is pretty tricky... not to mention i don't love nursing and dont have the easiest time doing it.  after about 5 weeks chris and i decided that it was best for my sanity and for the health of the family that we just switch to formula feeding.  david didn't notice any difference when we switched to formula and really preferred the bottle anyway.  daniel has been an incredible brother.  so gentle and sweet with david.  loves to sit by him while he's playing to just keep an eye one him.

i amazingly recovered from the c-section very fast.  i only took medication for a couple days and then just IB profen was enough after that.  i was up and around no problem which was so nice.

we just love this sweet little old man baby.... so far his hair is lighter in color... blonde-ish red-ish brown-ish, but i'm convinced his eyes are blue... really pretty blue. he's still mostly bald on top which enhances his little old man look... hopefully it grows back in all craszy like daniel's.

trying out my new solly baby wrap.  its super soft and light weight.  nice to snuggle with the baby.

here's daniel playing really close to his brother.  its so cute that he wants to be near him so much.

love the sleepy smiles...

"hello baby david"  and yes that is his current name... baby david.

this month was also father's day... for father's day i gave chris another son.. haha and i got him this amazing home made cake by our friend sarah from church... she also made our wedding cake... seriuosly so good!!! so rich and the cake is just to die for!!!

I also decided to go to church the next week after david was born.  i was feeling so good and was bored being stuck at home all the time so we all got dressed up and went to church.  the consensus from everyone was "wow he's so tiny!!" which weighing in at 5 pounds,.. yes he is tiny! 

me and my boys having cuddle time.

burrito baby.... 

i do love how much he sleeps... hopefully he ends up being a good sleeper like daniel!

daniel is so entertaining... his imagination is just exploding these days... it started with the gloves on his hands and feet to make a lizard... this time it was daddys socks on his hands and legs to make a spider... 

he also loves daddy's shoes and will often walk around the house with them on.  he also became fascinated with putting stickers on his chest after he saw me put some soothie pads on my chest from nursing david... hahaha!! 


first real bath... and yes his skin turns that red when he really cries and then it goes back to normal... doc says its normal.... haha but needless to say he did not like his first time in the bath.... daniel however loved whating it.

i had fun taking newborn pics of daivd and a few of daniel with him.  i still haven't perfected taking pics yet but i'm getting better at it and getting better at editing after.  i also decided not to take the typical naked newborn photos since my baby is so long and skinny he just doesn't look super cute and cuddly like most naked babies... so i found this super cute anchor outfit which i love too as a little nod to our navy days...

seriously this super cute face just kills me.. 

life as a family of four is pretty awesome so far.  and chris is the best dad ever!!! he plays so hard with daniel and works really hard to help me with whatever i need... getting food, feeding the baby, changing diapers, cleaning.... and just being supportive of me and whatever i may be struggling with at the time.  i expected to be really overwhelmed at first having more than one child but with daniel being such a good independent kid and baby david being a dream baby i feel like i could have a million more children... (i'm actually too old to have a million babies but a couple more would be nice!)

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