
Thursday, September 10, 2015

last days as a family of three...

june started off pretty normal.  chris went to work a couple times a week, daniel and i pretty much just stayed home... i'm super prego and its so hot outside that we try not to leave the house too often.  daniel enjoys being at home especially now that he has all his toys back in one room.  he also still loves to be in only a diaper all day long... everyday.  he's been having a good time taking baths in our big bath in the master bathroom... bubbles and all.  i like it cause it occupies him for a long time... we have also had a good time venturing out and figuring out where things are around us and how to get to them all.  thank goodness for phones and navigation... seriously helps getting places easier.

Daniel found the baby bath and decided it was a boat... he sits in it a lot and just reads books or plays on his little phone (my old broken phone that just has his games on it now)  and he pushes it all over the house.

he loves playing with cousin axel... they are awesome together... they run all over chasing each other... they laugh... they jump on mom's trampoline... they play cars together.  truly two peas in a pod.

we also  found this neat park that had a fun little splash pad.  we let daniel run around for a while in his pullup... he was a little scared to actually run in the water and get wet but he loves to run near it and maybe stick a hand in it here and there... funny cautious kid.

we were expecting to have our new little baby on June 19th for my scheduled c-section but he decided he had other ideas.... to be continued....

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