
Sunday, August 5, 2012

5 and 6 months...

since we were nomads the month of july and our house was being shipped across the country we  missed taking pics. so here we are at 6 months and it will cover both... his stats will also have to wait as we couldn't get an appointment with the new doc for 3 weeks.

i will say he is the happiest baby ever!

these last 2 months he has started doing soooo much!!!

- he started seriously teething and drools like crazy!!! and never stops gnawing on his hands. you can even see 2 whit dots/mounds forming... we may still be weeks away but he chews on everything.
- he started eating real food starting with rice cereal and loves it!! from the first bite!! i can't get it in fast enough. and we now make him a giant bowl of oatmeal and mix it with 2nd stage jar of food. boy is hungry!
- he rolled over for real and holds his head up really well!! he still hasn't really rolled from front to back so he still gets mad when he rolls to his tummy because he cant go back. its hilarious.
- after chris left for ODS i got really tired of rocking the baby to sleep especially since he started fighting me so much and it was taking too long and hard to hold him for so long by my self... so i let him cry it out... and wow!!! the first night he cried for 20 min and at the end i gave him his pacifier and he fell asleep and slept through the night. the next day i started doing the same for naps and he would cry for 10 min and fall alseep. now after a week i put him down and he rarely cries!!! he just rolls onto his side and falls asleep!!! how amazing is that??!! a mothers dream child for sure!!!
- since he has so much drool in his mouth at all times he found a new sound gurgling all the spit in his mouth! haha and he loves it when you do it back to him.  we are having very deep gurgle conversations. haha
- he has had his first real poop... and it was like 3 days worth... huge and stinky! not excited for that change.
- i had to take the bumper out of his bed because my little worm has now figured out how to roll over while wrapped and he keeps getting trapped face down between bed and bumper. no good.
- he has also become a master at rolling and now half the time wont stay on his back but is mad when he rolls onto his tummy.. its hilarious.
- he is really good at grabbing at things around him. toys that are hanging around him, or things sitting in front of him and even occasionally his moms hair... not my favorite.  his feet are probably his favorite thing to grab and chew on.  its just too cute!
- his hand eye coordination is getting so much better.  he looks at his pacifier and then puts it in his mouth.  he also likes to look at it and then drop it and watch it fall. also not my favorite game but i love that he is learning!!
- he is so ticklish! he laughs so hard and sometimes cries if you do it too much. woops... but its still funny.
- he likes to babble all the time mixing his gurgling with mamamamama and ooo and ahh sounds. its fun. his face gets all serious.  he even does it when he first wakes up in the morning. he will just lay there and talk to himself for 10 min or so.
- he likes peek-a-boo, and anytime you sing to him.
- we have a bedtime routine now... bath, nurse, book, song, prayers, wrap and night night.

notice the crazy hair!
people here in the south love him!! his hair is a huge hit!! everyone wants to talk about his hair... i get stopped anytime i go out and people want to talk to him and touch his hair... and he's good... he smiles real big at everybody.they all say it looks like he got electrocuted... haha  i don't mind it at all since people here are so friendly.

wiggling around in bed... more like flapping his arms and legs

still super tall and skinny!
 crazy how much he has grown!!! 

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