
Thursday, April 5, 2012

2 months...

time really does fly!!! this month has felt really busy and yet i feel like i accomplished nothing.  here are some really neat things daniel is doing now:

- he is only waking up once in the night for a feeding!!! its so nice for me to get longer stretches of sleep!!! 
- he is starting to smile more and more.. we get open mouth smiles and a few little smirks and i even caught a glimpse of one of his dimples... which i usually only see at night when he sleep smiles.
- he is standing up really well and loves to play with his dad because he had him practice standing up the whole time.
- he is also a champ at holding up his head.. it is not nearly so floppy as it was in the beginning.
- he is just barely starting to coo and talk to us... barely
- he is still a really good eater and likes to eat for a long time... like 40 min each feeding. he just likes to take his time
- he loves to sleep on his side.  i always put him on his back when i put him down but when i go in to check on him he has lifted his legs up to tip over to his side.  
- he enjoys tummy time for the first 15 min and then he's done... unless daddy is lying on the floor with him.. then he goes much longer.
- he focuses on our faces and knows who mommy and daddy are
- he loves to stare at lights and fans... and the tv.

some not so fun things he does:
- the projectile poop... while we are changing him... 3 different times we lift up to wipe and it just shoots out so much that it covers his bed, which has since been moved out of the firing range.  it was too hard to keep taking all the bedding on and off to wash.
- he does this pig squeal when he's eating and it gets taken away too soon or for a brief pause... its cute but also crazy.
- he also does this mad eating when he's gassy or needs to go... and its not fun for me.. it hurts as he kinda thrashes around.

otherwise he is an awesome baby!!! such a pretty face and good little boy.  he has gotten a bunch of nicknames:
monkey man (cause he has black hair all over)
mr. blueberry (my sister gave him this one cause of a pair of blue stripped pajamas)
little stinker (mommy calls him when he poops while she's trying to feed him... cause its stinky)
little man

i'm excited for these next months when he really starts to wake up more and be more interactive. here are some fun pics i took today... it was fun until he was done and he let me know very loudly that he was done.

i also saw on pinterest where someone had taken a picture of their baby's feet and put it in the shape of a "v" and used it in the word "love" so i decided i wanted to try something like that... and daniel's middle name is vern... so here is my attempt... its kinda funky but i like it.

here are the bloopers from trying to take his month photo... i love the one of him smirking... but he wasn't looking at the camera.

our little man is getting so big already!!!

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