
Sunday, October 30, 2011

23-25 weeks...

it is now very easy to tell that i am pregnant!  this belly of mine has really exploded in the last couple weeks.  we had my 25 week check up this week and everything is good.  his heartbeat was good and everything else was fine.  it was a short appointment since i didn't even have any questions to ask him, but we did sit and chat for a minute about various things including old wives tales things people say that sound crazy to me... and they are crazy.. haha.  i love my doctor. he's a really good guy and funny and sarcastic.  i fully trust him and know that whatever he says he is looking out for my best interest and interest of the baby.  here are some things i am experiencing lately:

- this little man moves all the time! he is a very active baby.  he makes his presence known a couple times through out the day and then does the cha cha all night long.  usually i can sleep through it... except when i have to go to the bathroom and he makes it worse.
- i am having a harder time bending over because i can't breathe... this hard ball doesn't squish out of the way when i move so it just cuts off air supply.  
- i have experienced my first couple Braxton Hicks contractions.  at first i thought it was the baby moving around but then i realized wow that whole area is tight and it feels like there is pressure... or just uncomfortable-ness and then after 30 seconds or a minute it goes away... totally weird.
- the other day the baby stuck his bum out at me.  he rolled over and all of a sudden my belly was totally lopsided with this hard ball sticking out.  it was way funny.
- chris has now really felt the baby kick.  it was during one of the baby's morning dance sessions... chris felt it on my side... while i was feeling it on both sides.
- it makes me laugh when he moving or kicking and punching in both directions... i can just see my belly dance from side to side.
- i now waddle a little bit.  chris thinks its awesome. i'm just trying to walk.
- my face is finally not breaking out constantly anymore which is really nice!
-i literally feel like an oven with a bun in it.  i am so hot all the time! our house is freezing to chris and i am just dying! often i will walk in a room and think its super hot and my mom or someone else says "um no, its just you". 

we still haven't settled on a name but i think we have a few that we are seriously thinking about... some that stick out more than others.  thats all i have for today... or all i can remember since i have lost my brain.  here are a few extra pics... chris likes taking pics with our camera... and he got a little crazy this last time and kept making me pose while he counted down really fast... here's the result:


  1. You look awesome, Marilyn! Baby bump is really prominent now. Your hair is also looking longer - have you noticed that your hair and your nails grow faster? I loved that part!

  2. u are too funny! Love those last pics! Can't wait to see you guys!
