
Saturday, July 30, 2011

wee babe update...

this week i had my 12 week appointment with my dr.  it was exciting because they did a screening for down syndrome which means i had an ultra sound and got to see the baby again!! this time it actually looked like a baby! it had a head mouth eyes feet and hands... i also got to hear the heart beat this time... amazing! can't help but have a huge smile on your face hearing something like that.  the ultra sound tech lady was trying to measure a space on the back of the baby's neck... i think measure the fluid there and she couldn't get a good view because the baby was trapped in a nook right by my bladder... so she kept pushing kind hard trying to get the baby to move.. and all the baby did was get the hiccups!! but that was also really fun to watch... to see it jump up and down like that.  here are the pics from that day:
(click to enlarge)
i think the one with the alien face it totally creepy but the profile shot is soooo sweet!!!!
(click to enlarge)

here are the updates on the wee babe:
- measure a week ahead of schedule... which i think it will the whole time because i have a super short cycle... so just going off my LMP will put me a week ahead... 
- the baby looks good the measurements this time all looked good... 
- my baby update email that i get every week compared the size of the baby to a kiwi... so chris and i have been calling it kiwi... its better than "it" until we find out the actual sex of the baby... (which will hopefully happen at my next appointment!!)

my prego updates:
- i already look pregnant... my stomach sticks out so far from bloating that i totally look pregnant... which i think is actually fun! 
- i am still nauseous often but have made it through my entire first trimester with out vomiting so i count myself lucky.
- i have started getting really bad headaches in the afternoons but my doctor gave me something for that so hopefully it helps!
- i have fully experienced pregnancy brain where i can't remember what i'm doing or what i'm trying to say... etc... thats annoying.
- this morning i experienced my first dizzy spells... that was hilarious.. i felt like i was trying to walk on a very rocky boat.  had to hold on to everything around me.
- i cry at everything!!!! i can't watch tv with out getting choked up, i can't hear sad stories with out crying, i have seen harry potter twice now and cried fairly hard both times, and tonight we went to Barry Manilow (post about that soon!!) and i totally got choked up with TEARS several times... its embarrassing.  i am singing in church tomorrow and really hope i make it through the song with out crying.
- i am super excited to start feeling the baby... and i have started touching my stomach all the time... not sure what thats about but i catch myself just rubbing my lower belly when i'm standing.

chris and i have also had a good time picking out names... we play the veto game and usually that consists of my coming up with the worst names ever and him taking me seriously and then vetoing them.  we do have a few that we actually really like but until we really know the sex of the babe its hard to think of names... for now we will play the crazy name game and see how much we could ruin the baby's life with just a name... haha like the johny cash song "boy named sue"