
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

wedding bliss...

i have finally had a chance to do a little catch up on life.  between getting our apartment all settled and changing my name and everything that goes along with that and finishing projects for school on time... i feel tonight as though i may actually be caught up on life... so i decided i would blog some of my favorite memories from the wedding day and from newly wed life...

the night before the wedding chris and i and our immediate families got together at memphis bbq and had dinner. it was great fun to get together with all the families and babies and just laugh and talk and get to know one another... and the food was fabulous!!!
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i was glad to be able to go to sleep fairly early that night... i did take a shower and put my hair in pin curls so i wouldn't have to worry about curling it in the morning... really nice. my mom showed up at about 8 am to check in with me and take a few pictures of my getting myself ready... haha they are awesome pics!!
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then chris and i and my mom headed out to the temple... it was a really special moment for my mom and i to be together right before we got sealed and she helped me get dressed... it was really neat! the sealing ceremony itself was really awesome and beautiful and i was thinking the whole time... don't cry don't cry... it was like chris and i had been waiting so long to get to that moment and then it was there and i was overwhelmed... but so was chris... his eyes were a little watery... which was really touching to me since i have never seen him emotional at all... in that way.

it was fun after to get congrats and hugs and kisses including words of love and advice... judy hicks... chris' best friends mom told me i had better take good care of him... i promised i would do my best!

then leaving the temple was surreal... walking out with everyone cheering... so many people there to congratulate us including a bunch of my young women from church...
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after we took a few pics and left the temple chris and i made a stop at arby's cause i was starving and didn't know if we'd get a chance to eat at the reception... then we went to my mom's to vege out for a minute.. it was nice to sit down. i can't say i totally felt married yet but we were.. ha!

then we headed for the reception... it was beautiful!!! the whole gym looked amazing!! peacock feathers every where... purple and turquoise bows... little lights... more feathers... it turned out so beautiful and the food looked amazing!!! i never did eat any that night... but it looked amazing! along with my awesome purple cake~!! sarah prince of Sugar Prince  did an amazing job and it tasted AMAZING!!! super rich and moist and left everyone with purple lips!!

we did do a little ring ceremony before that my unlce dave did for us... he gave a few words on the importance of temple marriage and some other things and then chris' mom read some beautiful scriptures on love and then chris and i shared some words about each other that were sweet and funny... i was nervous but it worked out really well!! then we exchanged rings and kissed... it was a sweet moment for us :)

we decided that just chris and i would stand in a line to greet guests as they came in and we stood so that they would walk right into the food line.. it was fun to say hi to everyone as they came in! then we cut the cake... amanda was soooo excited for the cake she stood right by my side the whole time! it was too cute! she just wanted to be a part of it. we had a blast dancing and i surprised chris with a song. he had asked me to sing but the week of i told him it was stressing me out to think about singing... and then i got the brilliant idea to have my family join in so i wouldn't be so alone... we sang "happy together"... after we just danced the night away until chris and i decided we were ready to leave.
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we walked out to the car which had writing all over it... just married etc... and on the back they tied full cans of pop so they exploded as we drove away. on the inside there was confetti everywhere!! in the air vents so it blew in our face when we turned on the car... there were also balloons all over and other things..

then we spent the weekend at the encore which was a beautiful hotel room and awesome view on the 57th floor. the only problem i had with the room is the toilet was too tall and my feet didn't reach the floor... i also neglected to pack any shoes for the weekend so i had to wear chris' flip flops all weekend.. we were going to buy some in the souvenir shop but they were $90 for something you could buy at walmart for $5... ha! it was overall an amazing weekend!!! i'm so glad i got married and even happier i married chris.

1 comment:

  1. It's so fun to read all the details and to read your impressions of your wedding day, Marilyn. The photos are great. Good job! I'm glad that Chris got emotional during your ceremony. He's very blessed to have found you. Everything was lovely about your celebration. We had a fabulous time. I think it's neat the way you and your family sang "Happy Together." The peacock feathers really were pretty cool. Your cake was not only lovely, but delicious, too. The Encore toilets crack me up. I wish you many happy years ahead!
